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Handy Home Berkley 10x14 Wood Storage Shed Kit

Delivery of product took a bit longer than expected but the ..

4 of 5 Stars!

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Handy Home Berkley 10x14 Wood Storage Shed Kit
$3499.95 $2398.95
by J. Codling Date Added: Tuesday 21 June, 2016
separator The ordering process was good and email updates with order and shipping information were good.
The delivery was a little weird and ended up not showing up to my house until 10PM, however, I had been in touch with the company/driver (using contact information provided in one of the email updates) and was able to coordinate the delivery via text message, which was very convenient.
The kit came in 3 bundles, which were very heavy and stacked on top of one another so it wasn't possible for me to inspect the pieces to see if anything was missing.
I discovered 3 weeks later (after I was able to unpack the third and largest bundle) that the windows, shutters, flower boxes, vents, and cupola were missing. It was easy to reach by phone and request replacements, which arrived within a week of placing the call.
Overall, the instructions were OK; They are overly simplified and left a lot to interpretation, which is both good and bad. Good insofar as they don't take a lot of time to read and sift through pages of diagrams and writing. Bad because it required a good amount of studying to understand and plan for what needed to be done, and it made it easy to miss critical details that cause re-work if missed (I struggled with the assembly of the door wall in particular).
There was an error in the instructions and materials for the 2'x10' portion of the floor assembly but I was able to resolve easily with a scrap piece of 2"x4" I had laying around.
Other than that I did not encounter any errors in materials.
Material quality was also just OK. There were a lot of warped 2"x4"s, which made assembly more difficult.
Assembly of the roof was not great. Rafters went together ok and were easy enough to nail to the tops of the walls (with 2 people). Affixing roof panels to the rafters went ok on the first half of the roof but required a lot of pushing and pulling to get an equal measurement between rafters and the peak and base. The second half of roof panels ended up with a lot of gaps as a result. Also looking down the roof line you can see a lot of lumps and bumps due to inconsistent rafter heights. I have not put shingles on yet and hope that they will cover this up.
Door installation went very smoothly and am pleased with how the doors came out.
Have not yet attempted installation of windows, shutters, flower boxes and cupola.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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