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Storage Shed Types

Choose which shed type is right for you! Arrow Sheds, DuraMax Sheds, Lifetime Sheds & Best Barns Storage Sheds in Vinyl, Metal, Plastic or Wood!

DuraMax Vinyl Sheds and Garages
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Buy premium quality vinyl storage sheds or resin storage shed kits from our top manufacturer DuraMax. Our DuraMax outdoor storage sheds are constructed of a heavy duty galvanized steel frame surrounded by a thick vinyl storage shed roof, walls and doors. Customize your new DuraMax backyard garden storage shed with shed windows, shed shutters, shed vents and shed skylights. For small vinyl DuraMax garden sheds search for our YardMate DuraMax series storage sheds. For average size storage shed needs try our DuraMax DuraMate vinyl storage shed. For extra large storage shed needs try our DuraMax Vinyl Garage. View our DuraMax Storage Shed Assembly video below and see how easy it is to do-it-yourself with a new DuraMax storage shed kit today! DuraMax vinyl sheds assemble quickly and easily for a quick storage shed solution.

Arrow Metal Storage Sheds and Buildings
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We carry the entire line of Arrow outdoor storage sheds and storage buildings. Arrow storage sheds are metal and vinyl coated metal storage shed kits. Arrow metal garden storage sheds are painted with a double baked on polyester enamel finish. Arrow vinyl coated metal storage sheds are built from galvanized steel with vinyl applied over a full coat of primer. Arrow storage sheds vinyl plastisol coating is five times thicker than standard steel storage shed finishes. Our Arrow metal outdoor storage sheds are the lowest cost solution to your storage shed needs. For our lowest priced small storage shed in our store try the Arrow Brentwood metal tool storage shed. To get that extra large storage building project solved buy one of our Arrow Utility Storage Buildings or Arrow Vinyl Murryhill storage sheds.

Lifetime Plastic Storage Sheds and Buildings
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Do-it-yourself today with our premier brand Lifetime plastic storage sheds, Lifetime plastic storage buildings and Lifetime plastic garden sheds. Our Lifetime sheds are the perfect addition to any backyard. Lifetime storage sheds go up easy and give you a finished look without adding anything. Most Lifetime storage sheds are full package deals including a high impact plastic shed floor, shed windows, shed vents, shed skylights and even shed shelving! You can see the difference right away when you see these quality Lifetime backyard storage sheds with 1 inch thick plastic walls, shingle look-a-like storage shed roof and plastic shed flooring that almost looks like hard wood floors! Lifetime plastic outdoor storage sheds assemble quick and easy for your convenience. Lifetime storage sheds are versatile and give you the option to customize the size with shed extension kits. Extend your new storage shed to the exact size you need! Buy a new Lifetime storage shed today with Free Shipping!

Best Barns Wood Storage Sheds and Garage Kits
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Save time and money with do-it-yourself wood storage sheds, garden buildings and shed kits. Best Barns wood shed kits come in pre-cut materials for building attractive, durable wood sheds. Throw away the storage shed guide books and get a Best Barns backyard storage shed kit today for an easy to build new shed. Every Best Barns shed kit comes with clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions written for the novice. Building your own outdoor storage shed has never been easier! Buy your new outdoor storage shed today and get that storage problem solved!