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Shed Reviews

Woodville 10x12 Wood Storage Shed Kit - ALL Pre-Cut

Quality materials, easy to follow directions. I used screws ..

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Woodville 10x12 Wood Storage Shed Kit - ALL Pre-Cut
$4399.99 $3449.00
by A. de Vere Hunt Date Added: Tuesday 19 May, 2020
separator The shed was ok in the end. Unfortunately a lot of the cuts were made wrong, usually cut 1/4 - 1/2" too short. So in order to make the pieces work sometimes they wouldn't be touching- not the most professional look. A lot of the siding had to be cut small amounts to make it straight. The instructions weren't always very clear. It seemed like there were after thought a added so some would tell you what to do and then ad what you should have done before the step they just told you to do first. So we had to disassemble and rebuild a lot of the outside trim. This was all done with the nails provided so pulling out pieces and redoing them was a real pain- and time consuming. I would recommend either using your own screws or investing in a nail gun. Also, the directions don't say to caulk under the trim- which you definitely should do since the siding will have to be cut by you to fix and will need mending.
To their credit, best barns answered the phone and did their best to answer our questions. The answer was to cut the pieces ourselves however because of the admitted mistakes. It's just a lot easier to cut pieces down than to use the many pieces that were cut too short to begin with.

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]
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