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Lifetime 11x18 Storage Garage Kit w/ 9ft Wide Doors

I love this shed. It takes a lot of time to set it up. I wou ..

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Lifetime 11x18 Storage Garage Kit w/ 9ft Wide Doors
$5899.99 $4988.95
by D. Robinson Date Added: Saturday 21 February, 2015
separator It is important to remove all the parts & hardware bags from the boxes before starting. The book of instructions are easy to understand for the most part. The bags of hardware are labeled with 3 letter codes, which simplifies construction if you follow the codes for each step. The walls were not stable until the trusses, doors & roof were attached, so have some lightweight props handy. My husband & I managed to build the entire garage and we are not builders or muscle-bound people. The shelves were too short for the brackets, so our garage has no shelves - same problem with the peg-boards. However, the tool corral which we had been told would not fit, did fit perfectly, so at least we have that. The gable brackets simply would not fit either, so we took them down. The 11x18.5 kit weighs 1,331 pounds, so curb delivery meant we had to pay someone to haul the 7 boxes 110 feet up our steep drive. Roughly speaking, that's 190 pounds per box, although they weren't weighted evenly. The finished garage is great and plenty big for a Toyota Camry, allowing the car doors to open almost all the way. With the weight of the building, we did not secure it, but just put it on our flat cement driveway. It has not rained or snowed yet, so I cannot tell if it will leak. It looks great and is very sturdy when finished. I'd rate it 4.5 out of 5, but that's not an option so I'll give it a 5.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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