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  Home » Catalog » About Our Storage Sheds - » Sells DuraMax Building To NASA Sells DuraMax Building To NASA

July 11, 2013


***The NASA Mars Test Rover Has a New Home***

NASA has purchased a new DuraMax building for storage of the Mars test Rover from us! NASA has twin robots that operate on Mars and on Earth; one for practice and one for missions. NASA's twin robots, the Mars Rovers, started their first launch on June 10th and July 7th, 2003 to search and study the history and life on Mars. The Mars Rover performs many types of geological investigations along with discoveries for NASA. NASA has an identical twin Rover that is used for testing here on Earth. The Earth rover will do practices and maneuvers here first to ensure that missions can be done on Mars for the Mars Rover successfully. NASA needed a secure, durable building that the test Rover could get into and out of easily, so they contacted the best in the business,!
Read more about the NASA Mars Rovers and missions at:

NASA chose the DuraMax 13x18 Vinyl Storage Garage. It was erected and placed in Pasadena, California at the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), a division of NASA. We worked with NASA to choose the DuraMax Garage which met all their specifications. NASA needed a building that would be safe from the elements of the weather along with being extremely secure to protect the Rover which cost over $400 million. The DuraMax 13x18 Vinyl Garage has one of the widest entry doors available of any roll up door garage kits sold today. NASA needed 9.5 feet wide of clearance so the Rover could enter through the roll up door easily.

With over $400 million spent on creating the Rover, NASA needed a strong secure building. The DuraMax offers reinforced metal columns and beams that has been high wind tested. The building walls are made with galvanized PVC sleeved columns for added strength. Lockable doors keep stored items safe from theft. A fifteen year warranty is included on the DuraMax garage to ensure quality and strength. The team worked with the DuraMax warehouse in Los Angeles, California to make sure we met all the needed specifications and timelines to get the new building delivered to NASA JPL in Pasadena, California. offers only the best quality sheds! The brands of sheds we sell have been carefully chosen and selected so we offer our customers only the most durable and highest quality on the market. Even NASA agrees that we offer the best!

DuraMax Vinyl Garage for NASA Mars Rover
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