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California Storage Sheds

Arrow Steel Storage Sheds DuraMax Vinyl Storage Sheds

Faster Storage Shed Delivery in California with Arrow and DuraMax Sheds!

Live in California and looking for a quick shipment for a new storage shed? Searching for storage sheds near me? Look no further, we have you covered! We have two warehouses we use in California for our sheds! Not all of our shed brands ship from there though. Choose the sheds we have there and get it even faster!

For the fastest delivery in California choose one of our Arrow sheds or DuraMax sheds. Our Arrow metal sheds ship from Fontana, California. The DuraMax vinyl shed brand ships from Montebello, California to service our west coast customers.

Our Lifetime plastic storage sheds ship from Clearfield, Utah so you could get a boost on shipping time with the Lifetime brand as well. Please contact us for specific shipping estimates. Most of our sheds arrive at your home in just 5-10 business days after ordering.

Faster Shipping in California with Arrow and DuraMax Sheds!

California Storage Sheds