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Shed Reviews

Lifetime 8x5 Storage Shed Kit w/ Floor & Window

It was a bit harder to get the corner pieces in, had to use ..

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Lifetime 8x5 Storage Shed Kit w/ Floor & Window
$1699.99 $1213.95
by T. Plunkett Date Added: Friday 29 July, 2016
separator The 8x5 Storage Shed 6406 was very strong, wasn't that hard to assemble. Two men was able to assemble it easily. my son that is 36 years old and i'm 70 years old. We did make a concrete foundation with 18x18 square blocks that work out great. It was level which is important. The instruction are clear, but you must read carefully and follow the steps in order. you will need at least 7 or 8 hours to assemble. With the window open it does not get has hot as my old metal shed. Even with window close at 100 degrees weather in Texas it's still not as hot as a metal. Also you can walk in the shed in hot weather with bare feet and it won't burn your feet. I like the skylight and window has it gives off right light. We did get a piece of screen from Home Depot and put it on the outside and make a frame. Which works great to keep the bugs out.The shelves and the corral are made good and strong Shed is made very good and we did get a heavy rain and windy weather week after we build and full the shed, everything was dry, no leaks. the shed held up great. For customer service I would rate them great as the free corral and skylight was missing when we open the box checked all the parts. we received the missing parts with in a week. I,m very happy with the lifetime shed 6406. Lifetime makes a great product. Thank You T. Plunkett Texas 7/29/2016

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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