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Shed Reviews

Lifetime 8x7 Storage Shed Kit w/ Floor

Everything was exactly as advertised and they kept us inform ..

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Lifetime 8x7 Storage Shed Kit w/ Floor
$1899.99 $1339.95
by W. DOLLEY Date Added: Wednesday 16 February, 2022
separator I spent hours researching and pricing sheds before I chose this one. It was not the cheapest. It had many extra features not available with other brands. Shipping was efficient and tracking was updated daily. Both boxes were in excellent condition when they arrived. Be sure to have help when it comes time to move these boxes. They are about eight feet long and very heavy and cumbersome.
I would echo comments from others that the most important task you can do before assembling your shed is construct a square and level foundation. This is absolutely critical. If you're not sure how to do this, ask for help. Don't be embarrassed, having a square and level foundation will make your project much easier.
Read the instructions thoroughly before beginning. Become familiar with your parts. There are places where the instructions are somewhat confusing, you're left hanging as you proceed to the next step. There are many helpful videos on YouTube. Take the time to watch them. You'll get "oh yeah" moments from some of them.
I would also recommend anchoring the shed floor to your foundation base before installing the walls. Kicking the base of the wall panels into place causes the floor to move around. Also, the corners can be difficult. Two of mine needed convincing. Make sure you have at least one helper when doing the walls and roof.
If you're going to use a powered screwdriver, use the lowest torque setting. You're dealing with plastic remember.
All in all, I'm pleased with my "He Shed". It looks great and will give me the additional storage space I needed for my small riding mower and other lawn and garden implements. I would definitely purchase this brand again.
I'm 73 and left-handed so obviously I had two strikes against me to begin with. I did this over three days in stages with help from my wife.
Good luck!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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