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Shed Reviews

Lifetime Sheds 8x15 Plastic Storage Shed w/ 2 windows

Shed arrived fairly quick. Took my 12 year old son and I abo ..

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Lifetime Sheds 8x15 Plastic Storage Shed w/ 2 windows
$2599.99 $1982.95
by C. Rasure Date Added: Wednesday 24 November, 2021
separator Overall I was pleased with the shed itself. Following are my observations regarding specific parts of the order/delivery/install process and product itself.

Initially item was shown as being in-stock (which was one of the reasons I ordered from Sheds for Less to begin with). Multiple days after submitting my order I was contacted and told the item was not in stock. Bummer, but I decided to keep the order in place as the price was good and hoped the delay wouldn't be too long. Customer service from Sheds for Less was very good regarding this matter- communication, etc. Trucking company unfortunately failed to deliver multiple parts when the majority of the shed was delivered. I would suggest smaller separate items be boxed and shrink-wrapped with larger boxes on the pallets. Not Sheds for Less fault per se, but again, their customer service was great in rectifying.

Shed construction took a bit longer than anticipated, but wasn't too bad. I would suggest at least 2 people (3 is helpful on a few steps). Construction took the majority of two days for my wife and myself. If your site is not perfectly level prepare to struggle with all pieces coming together somewhat- especially in final stages. If you are constructing in any conditions other than a 70 degree or warmer locale be prepared that the plastic panels can be very difficult to align and properly connect together. Instructions themselves are fairly clear. We also installed the additional snow-load roof supports and would suggest doing so for anyone in a snowy area. They really make the shed feel more rock solid. We built on an existing slab and when all was said and done I feel the shed is very solidly built and will do its job for years to come.

Construction caveats: Be sure you bend corner pieces to 90 degrees or beyond before you install (warmer weather would have helped here). Be sure you carefully align and seat all major panels because once you place screws you don't want to remove and reinstall them. I imagine the plastic wouldn't hold well with repeated removal and replacement of screws. Have at least two batteries ready to swap for your drill- there are a LOT of screws! We followed instructions to the letter and yet the brackets and shelves for the shed sides don't fit- distance between brackets is wider than the shelves (seems like panels should be alternated but pretty sure that's NOT what the directions show). Lifetime provides plenty of extra hardware, so don't be surprised when you have lots of screws left over.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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