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Shed Reviews

Lifetime 15x8 Plastic Garden Storage Shed Kit w/ Floor

Great shed for the price. Very sturdy and durable. Highl-
y ..

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Lifetime 15x8 Plastic Garden Storage Shed Kit w/ Floor
$2999.99 $1819.95
by J. Uhas Date Added: Wednesday 30 November, 2016
separator The shed appears to be very sturdy. I saw a guy on you tube put one like this together by himself -- good luck with that. It takes two people all day to put it up to the point where some finish work can be done the next day. I unpacked it the day before we put it up. At one point, I don't remember where, it went easier because there were three of us. My 20yr old grandson and a friend did most of the work as I had a broken finger and was mostly useless. Be careful installing screws. We had a few strip out. The right hand door does not shut correctly. It rubs on the top and you have to grip the handle and bend the top of the door in to close it. The top of the door is too thin to sand down to fit. I am going to have to lay on the ground, when it warms up this summer, and somehow cut the bottom of the door, that sits on the spindle in the floor, to remove about 1/8 or 1/4 of an inch so the door will drop down on the steel shaft it pivots on. I feel it would be too much trouble to take enough of the shed apart so that I could remove the door to perform the procedure. I should have thought to test the fit of the door after installing the piece,over the door, it closes into. Overall, I am very satisfied with the shed. The only reason I have it a less then perfect score is the door problem. My son-in-law has a shed like mine and it turns out he also had a problem with the right hand door.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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