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Shed Reviews

EZ-Fit Heritage 10x14 Wood Storage Shed Kit

Awesome product. The only complaint that I have is that they ..

4 of 5 Stars!

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EZ-Fit Heritage 10x14 Wood Storage Shed Kit
$5799.95 $4459.00
by G. Pelletier Date Added: Monday 08 June, 2020
separator The kit was shipped very well, only a very small, insignificant cut in one corner of the "box". I bought the floor kit as well so the shipment came as two over sized pallets. The bigger of the pallets was close to a ton and took 3 strong guys and a couple pallet jacks to push it up my driveway. The shed went together really easily, impressing me and anyone who helped put it together. Seems sturdy, but I foamed and caulked almost all the seams because I wasn't confident it was tight enough to keep insects out. The only reason I didn't rate it as a 5/5 was that I was shorted a rafter in my shipment, which ended up being quite the project to build a matching one ourselves. Overall, though, I'm happy with my purchase and I saved close to $400 by being it from shedsforlessdirect as opposed to the manufacturer.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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