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Shed Reviews

DuraMate 8x8 Vinyl Shed w/ Foundation Kit

Showed up quickly, right to my driveway. Ever-
ything seems t ..

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DuraMate 8x8 Vinyl Shed w/ Foundation Kit
$1249.99 $1019.00
by R. Hunter Date Added: Monday 21 November, 2016
separator appears to be sturdy. Arrived quickly. Took wife and I about 12 to 18 hours to assemble, including floor kit. We already had level area. Had to redo several things because the instructions didn't say this side up or this side faces this way. Diagrams usually only showed a two foot piece of the whole so you couldn't get a reference. Kind of confusing since it is sold as 8x6 or 8x8 or 8x10 So the extension kit may contain extra pieces so you don't know if it is referring to the 8x6 or the 8x8. Would have been nice if the youtube video was a more in depth assembly tool instead of an advertising medium. Having assembled a couple steel sheds before I knew what I was in for. This was simpler than steel and didn't have sharp edges and looks much better. I'd give it a 4.5 out of 5

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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