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Shed Reviews

DuraMate 8x5.26 DuraMax Vinyl Storage Shed

So far, so good! We aren't done quite yet. The set-up bookle ..

4 of 5 Stars!

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DuraMate 8x5.26 DuraMax Vinyl Storage Shed
$919.00 $749.99
by M. Khan Date Added: Sunday 01 February, 2015
separator We purchased this shed because we needed to free up space in our garage so we could actually put a car in. The shed looks great. How it stands up to the stormy weather in Florida this summer remains to be seen. Here are some points of concern and suggestions for improvement.

1. If you are not going to include concrete anchors, at least please show a picture of the concrete anchors that are supposed to be used when anchoring the shed to a concrete slab.
2. The shed does not provide 8X6 storage space. It is more like 7 10'' X 5 3" Outside Measurements.
3. Forget four hours. You are looking at least 12 hours to complete.
4. Make sure you have a power drill and power screw driver before starting.
5. Watch the sharp edges. I cut myself to the bone installing the base onto concrete and my wife cut herself on the roof panels.
6. No matter how squared we got the base, lining up the holes was a real pain especially on the corner support posts.
7. Security wise the hinges, need to be on the inside. Otherwise anyone can just lift the doors off the hinges to gain access.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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