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Shed Reviews

Elm 10x12 Wood Storage Shed Kit - ALL Pre-Cut

The shed is ok, nothing spectacular. It was delivered on tim ..

4 of 5 Stars!

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Elm 10x12 Wood Storage Shed Kit - ALL Pre-Cut
$3599.99 $2495.00
by C. Briggs Date Added: Wednesday 05 May, 2021
separator The shed is ok, nothing spectacular. It was delivered on time and I had no issue with order process or delivery. They dropped it in my driveway where I asked them to. I hired a contractor to build it. Some of the wood side wall panels were warped. We purchased a floor kit, which was delivered from local home depot and some of that wood was not that great either. The contractor said the way they instruct you to build the shed is awkward. We also did not expect the 2 inch gap at the top of the roof, and had to tarp the roof for about 10 days before we had time to put shingles on - otherwise when it rained everything would have gotten wet because of the 2 inch gap. I feel like the floor should have more 2x4s in it, it moves a lot when you step on it, and there ware knot holes in the floor wood that I will have to patch over so no critters crawl in. We had a really bad time installing the left side door (left looking at the shed from outside). Right side went on easy and straight. Left side we must have taken off and put on about 7 times. If I had the time, I would have painted all the trim FIRST, before cutting and putting it on. All in all, the shed is ok, but by the time I added in the $ for flooring, roof and installation, it ended up being as expensive as other sheds. I hope it lasts at least 10 years.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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